When it comes to conveyor belts repairs, there are three main types of repairs to look out for: the first is a simple repair done by simply replacing a section, the second is when a part fails, and the third is when the belt itself breaks. A broken section of belt is simply removed, a new piece spliced into the broken section with metallic fasteners, or vulcanised steel. A rubber belt is made from many layers or fibres. Splicing involves joining two ends with overlapping the fibres on both ends to form a smooth and precise joint.
Conveyor Belt Repairs
When it comes to conveyor belts, there are three main types of repairs to look out for: the first is a simple repair done by simply replacing a section, the second is when a part fails, and the third is when the belt itself breaks. A broken section of belt is simply removed, a new piece spliced into the broken section with metallic fasteners, or vulcanised steel. A rubber belt is made from many layers or fibres. Splicing involves joining two ends with overlapping the fibres on both ends to form a smooth and precise joint.}
The length of new section has to be equal to the length of the damaged part and centered over the damaged area. This can be done either by gluing or by sewing the section together. Before welding, the broken piece must be checked by the shop technician to ensure that all of its components are in good condition and will operate properly. In case the component needs a repair, the technician may use a wire to poke holes and then insert a bolt into it to hold the component in place.
While this might seem easy, in reality it’s not so simple because the complete repair may take days or even weeks depending on the complexity. For this reason, it is always advisable to call a technician immediately before such repairs are carried out. If your conveyor belt was damaged, the first step is to remove the broken part and replace it with the correct one. For example, if a long broken section had been removed from the left side, the right part is placed on top and the entire belt replaced. This ensures that all parts of a belt are in place, and that the damaged part cannot move. After that, the whole belt can be reinstalled.