Local Painters & Decorators are a great way to improve the look of your home, freshen it up and give it a new lease on life. They can help you choose a new colour that looks good and give your walls, ceilings and floors a professional finish.
What do we call painters?
They can also work on a range of other interior and exterior projects that you may have, like fixing your gutters, repainting your fence or even cleaning your roof. Some Mackay Painters can also fix mouldings, such as crown moulding that covers gaps and cracks in ceilings or walls.
Commercial Painting
If you have a commercial property such as a shop, factory or warehouse, then you should get a quote from painters who specialise in commercial jobs. They will often have large teams of painters who use spray guns to speed up the coverage of large areas.
Industrial Coatings
Another service that many painting businesses offer is epoxy coatings. These can be used to protect a concrete floor, steel roof or even timber surfaces.
Colour Consultations
A colour consultation is where your painting expert will come over to your property and advise you on a colour scheme that will complement your existing decor. Then they will draw up a plan and paint swatches for you to view, so you can choose the right colours for your interior or exterior.
They can also do interior decorating tasks such as applying stencils, tiling or hanging wallpaper. They can even help you choose furniture and curtains for your rooms.