Fire Watch Services is on-site emergency security acts performed by specially trained personal guards. Services generally consist of: Monitored Patrols- Perform regular patrols at fixed hours throughout the day and during certain shifts that cover all the facility. These patrol routes are often assigned to watch for signs of a fire, fires that could be contained to a specific location within the building, or fires in areas where people may not know they exist, such as in bathrooms and kitchens.
Fire Watch Services
Fire Watch Services are designed to help keep property safe and provides support to staff and property owners. It’s also a very important role for fire and police departments. Fire Watch Services is staffed by individuals who are professionally trained to detect and control any potential hazards on a premises. It is a team comprised of police and fire personnel, and the member assigned to it works in close conjunction with other team members. This team consists of an investigator, one fire marshal, a property manager, and a security guard.
These different fire services have many different responsibilities. For example, if an alarm is triggered, a team of guards will immediately get to the scene and notify authorities. They can also help police officers to determine what caused the fire in the first place, as well as to determine how to prevent them in the future.